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AM, ATU, Canada, diplexer, radio, RF, Vancouver -

Sher E Punjab Media AM radio station was launched as a result of new phasing, matching and filtering equipment designed and supplied by Kintronic Labs

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Alaska, AM, Arctic, Bering Strait, Nome, radio, Station of the Month -

KICY AM is located in Nome, Alaska. Being situated at the most northwestern tip of the continent, in a region only accessible by air most of the year, presents some unusual challenges for operating a radio station, and the opportunity for some unique content.

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AM, ATU, Lynchburg, radio, Raytheon -

How much difference can an ATU upgrade make for a station’s performance? A LOT when you look at this case in point, WPLI-AM in Lynchburg, VA.

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AM, D.C., Maryland, radio, Station of the Month, Virginia, Washington D.C. -

The featured Station of the Month for April is Hubbard Broadcasting’s WWFD (The Gamut) 820 AM. They broadcast to the sprawling and diverse Washington, D.C. market, which has a population of over 6 million people between D.C., Maryland and Virginia. WWFD is strikingly different from most AM stations for multiple reasons, one obvious reason being that they broadcast music instead of the ubiquitous political talk and weather reports. WWFD is the product of Program Director and Station Engineer Dave Kolesar’s college days. While Kolesar was in college, he started running a free-form station on the internet as a hobby. Joel...

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